Wednesday, March 8, 2017

For When The Fulfillness Of Time Is Come, Come Jesus' Millennium

     -As it is written in the law of Moses, all this evil is come upon us: yet made we not our prayer before the Lord our God, that we might turn from our iniquities, and understand thy truth, see, pray, Daniel 9. 

     Do You Know Where Your Bible Is?

-God Has Turn His Back, 1986, Only Jesus Is Left, Day One Hundred and ninety-two 03/08/2017 of the "week," prophecy 08/18/2016, a week prior to the Syrian Truce, 08/25/2016, the countdown to resurrection and Daniel's week, see Dan. 9:27, see also,

-Righteously Dividing The Enemy

Prophecy Links

100,361. There's something about a crippling, jaw dropping realization concerning an enormous loss of life, an enormous loss of life on the map 03/07/2003, (see Bill Gates warning that 40 million could die,

Prophecy Link

-Dutchsinse, is the word I woke with, 02/27/17, though it's been a while, I know him as one who has a youtube channel. A special one where he share sometimes live footage of national to international earthquakes to volcano activity. (see the eruption of Italy's Mt. Etna since)
-Remember the dream about the setting of fuel canister all in a ring, a circle, is basically the same warning, as so the pundit, of 99 bowls of molten lava. As so the question of which to happen first US soil, 2017, a Yellowstone eruption (1996) or an Asian Invasion (1998), The explosive song from the Movie Color Purple says, God is trying to tell you something, and I totally agree, master disaster is come, see more here,
-There's also something about Minnesota, DC and Booker T. Washington, (see, follow Senator Obama's Itinerary, 2008), as so another countdown of 28 days, 03/02/2017, Apb
-Seen To Seeing Men In Orange Pouring In Our Doors, 03/03/2017, desperate forewarning surrounding Volcano activity on the map, Apb, see here

North, South Korea, The Us, The Adam/Atom And The 11 O'clock shopping Lunch Hour

     -And The 11 O'clock Shopping Lunch Hour, I forewarn the first of last month, how we'd additionally been placed on another timetable, countdown of six weeks, whereas later I heard a voice lament "the first of March," this timetable fulfilled. So here we are like never before with Nations like South Korea allied by the US as so North Korea, allied possibly by China, even Russia, all looking at nuclear war. Be aware most of all, Nuclear war will be one of the primary signals to Christ, to take the Bride off the planet, this end time Apostle is positive of that.
     -This is why looking at and understanding where America status is concerning end time prophecy, the Angel Gabriel 2004 forewarn we're in, then we're right now on the verge of what is likely. That's while you're America Dreaming, herein as of Revelation 17:16-18, by God's biasness at sin and the unction of the Antichrist, ruling evil men. Plainly, world nations will, well they are allying themselves against America, whereas the 11 O'clock shopping lunch hour 2003.
    -How not unlike the loan of the leopard skin coat of immense distraction is to make for certain Americans shoppers are totally unaware until as Jesus forewarn about these end times, they're suddenly taken. Truly seized, along this made aware, as in the days of Noah that at the blink of an eye catastrophes are upon them and there is no escape. For when they shall say peace and safety and sudden destruction is upon them, is why I've witness a beast getting and eating at them as they sit their peace getting porches, (see just this plethora of natural disasters). Just as so this vicious beast I've heard being warn as to come upon 121 countries of failing economies, and no peace is left.
     -Whereas here lately, a mighty beast stomping and chomping through the pulpits into the pews, easily now vacant. Clearly what Jesus described would be a cursive manner of lackadaisicalness others are calling a manner of normalcy bias, meaning if it never happen, fulfillment, it never will. Though has the outreach of forewarning become too much like the boy who cried wolf? Surely not it's pungency or funning with things so urgent, deadly and damning, there's just this going on all around them. The worse of cataclysms and lost of life ever US soil, or ever again, that is on a daily bases now pending, I mean I heard here lately, 2017 and in 2002, that some 50 million will die, whereas oddly there's no kind of movement or getting into gears of safety to repentance.
     Definitely explaining why the nation is shown as those all in this manner of a slow motion exodus, though even more frightening, the really sizable fallout shelter, therein into millions upon millions taking their time this single water cooler. Carefully, but necessarily, the funeral reef having both Obama and Clinton name on it, whose death toll reached far into the heavens above. So does this mean Trump is innocent? No, all have sin and have fallen from the grace of God, it's just when these national to world leaders could have forewarn, saved and even exodus millions in harms way. Instead by strong delusions they got lost in a wilderness of sin disguised as religion to politics, two of this world greatest manners of Idolatry to damnation, repent of these evils or perish.  
     -Honestly, has all this getting the prophetic word out these thousands of years possibly, simply left mankind incapable of taking such the pending dangers and disasters serious? Sadly, that's until they open their eyes, sort of like Bill Paxston lately and they're no loner of planet earth, and that's ok, because Jesus is our blessed death, whosoever shall call on his name shall be saved, and risen to life immortal. Only, and I don't know about Bill, you would've had to have made Him Lord of all things your heart from the first mention of Him to you; as Jesus said, except a man is born again, He cannot see, nor enter the kingdom of God.
     -Ok, ok, so the importance of knowing calamities are come, and not being able to prevent them? Easily getting and staying your ready, and we're not only talking being ready physically, though as those wise enough to have your stores stocked, your carry on bags ready, in case you get stranded; of the last minute, back of the stove of those things most important. Realize, we're talking the most of all being ready spiritually, for Jesus has come to make it possible that you and your house is capable of ascending. For as Jesus, good shepherd himself said, flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, you must be born again. He also said all gone before you are thieves and robbers, so understand, about two thousand years ago, and why the setting of timetables are so important.
     -You're to comprehend once Jesus was crucified, He, this promised woman seed pretty much fulfilled all bible prophecy. The entire planet, world could've easily been moved into the last week of Daniel herein fulfilling the seventy weeks of years, see Dan. 9, that's concerning God's chosen people Israel. Although, an incarnate Lord of lords had other plans, send and spin all end time prophecy along a detour that would be realized upon the planet some times, times and a half from then. Concealing the fulfillment of Daniel's final week until then, that's until now, you see this specialty detour, incarnate of Jesus' Cross. This Intrepid Adventure, was shown to make it's long awaited finale, that's on Christmas night 2001, until yet another 15.10 years is finished.
    -Including, as well the two weeks and seven years loan Obama's Administration, again, 2001-2017, here presently arriving us, as in all mankind again along the days of Daniel, along the most important timetable and week of years of both biblical to human history. This is where you again here the Apostle John lament of the things now come to past, five are fallen, one is and one haven't yet come   ...five are fallen, one is and one haven't yet come   ...five are fallen, one is and one haven't yet come, see Rev. 17, see This is also where you've read Apostle Bradford testimony of having the Angel Gabriel appear to her, forewarn of all prophecy being unto fulfilment, mentioning as well a seventh angel.
     -The seventh Angel of Rev. 10, and 11, whose to sound a vibration and celebration throughout all heaven, the sorely anticipated fall of all rebellion, the casting down of the crowns of the twenty-four elders in it's merry making. So I guess I can say, if you ever asked the question, what is happening? Just think back to Jesus being approached by this non Jews about her ailing daughter and Jesus make the point of her, her daughter not being worthy and she then make this most important point of emphasis, how even the dogs are worthy of the crumbs falling from the table. It is here, through a lesson by a woman, understand, most of divine breakthroughs of Christ, always come as he expounds God's righteousness upon the woman, again, Jesus here taught the Jewish Disciples, how the gospel wasn't simply for the Jews but for the Hebrews, non-Jews as well, see Mat.15:21-28.
     -I can't help but wonder is this what the Apostle Paul also meant, when speaking of the woman's first transgression, (Mother Eve), how she would be saved, as in liberated, restored by child birth, (Mother Mary), meaning His, Jesus' Birth, Ministry, Crucifixion, Resurrection, Ascension and His come, Millennium. How the woman is to be treated is resolved by Jesus' many examples, truly trouble not the woman, she has been and always will be there in the beginning. Mary and Martha, the teaching of resurrection of death to life, Mary Magdalene Jesus is Risen, get good news to the disciples. The forbidden woman Jacob's Well, life in truth and spirit, no more temples, ordinances of men, the woman with the issue of blood, salvation by faith, hope in Jesus' Blood alone. Surely finally but not least, the Apostle John of Revelation hearing the Spirit and Bride lamenting come, that's come all bidden to the marriage supper of the Lamb of God,, truly get ye to Him, Jesus' Millennium Reign! 
See, is this an invasion of peace on earth? Hallelujah!

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Mirror Mirror Throughout All Walls, Whose The Greatest God Of Them All, The God Of Abraham, Isaac And Jacob says, I AM

     -The Apostle Paul say we look through a glass darkly, when it is the mirror which is to give us clarity, what do you think, are churches build to replace the Cross, The Trinity and The Heavenly Host? Do they exist to some how frustrate our dependence upon this Holy Lord making our bodies, our hearts and minds, even our treasures all now arranged in heaven. Whereas the world then has nothing for us but blessed ascension and all you can hear Jesus say is, my kingdom is not of the world. I've come into the world to testify of the truth, God's word is truth, then suddenly you realize the only thing preventing you from growing into a grace, knowledge and Holy Spirit in likeness of Jesus, is whether or not you chose to believe.
     -Below I have three dreams to demonstrations all portraying what it's like to look in a mirror with God, what would being given this kind of privilege actually be like? I'll share them with you and you tell me. There's the live demonstration, whereas I'm grooming myself this mirror, the few months old babe in Christ, when said mirror take on a live imagine. Soon I see what appear to be the throne of God, only remodel, it has picked up and turn itself so that it's back is now facing us and just as soon you hear Holy Spirit announce God has turn his back on the church, indeed is this far worse than God showing the sacrifice of his Holy Son, now knocking on doors of mass assembly trying to alert their abandonment?
     -Then the weirdest thing here lately, and I'm talking now, what? Many years later, just before the new year, again there is this mirror, and this weirdest thing ever, I'm standing there and I'm immense with suspense, really trying to figure this. Although I'm looking at myself in the mirror, all is askew, especially my face, but, only it's not my face I see, it's the face of a young Asian male. Don't get this wrong, I'm me in every capacity only in appearance I look like him, this Asian invasion, pending Us soil, for twenty years now. Only right now being revisited by a demonstration as something oddly and frightfully portrayed by the movie, 'The Body,' snatcher, and let me tell you, there was nothing inviting about being siege upon entirely and you shall not escape.
     -Only now we're leaving his party, I'm paused at the entry while my husband move on forward without me, staying there as the host of this party is loaning me this staggering, leopard skin coat of artificial fur, it's so blazingly stunning I take it and immediately I get after him, the husband who has gone ahead of me. Those who've read behind me these thirty years and counting know this story, the loan of this amazing temptress of an artificial loan had one purpose it was to distract into incalculable foolishness until the human being is to have nothing left but worthless treasures all while the authentic prize come down from heaven has gone on to holy, sacred golden lands of eternal marriage and divine heirship to God's Throne and reigning Kingdom on earth, as they're all now left stranded in a way they're not to overcome in a million years and counting.
      -The Apostle Paul also says, Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.  For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting, thus let us not be weary in well doing, (in outreaching Christ). The Apostle Paul taught this way because the people of Jesus' day, even the days of the early prophet, as so presently were always presented a God they often thought was far removed from them, when by His divine intervention He is totally longsuffering toward them.
     -His, God's presence with them, with us was so up close and personal it was the cause for the psalmist saying. if I ascend into heaven, thou art there, if I make my bed in hell, behold thou art there. if I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there will thy hand lead me and thy right hand shall hold me. It is to be born again, Holy Father sent His only Son, and His Holy Spirit after His ascension, there is a Living Word, Heavenly Host that's always present, all, so we can be His form of Righteousness, got belief yet? Awake, Apb, The RAM 

Sunday, March 5, 2017

That While We're Yet Sinners, Christ Died

  -As it is written in the law of Moses, all this evil is come upon us: yet made we not our prayer before the Lord our God, that we might turn from our iniquities, and understand thy truth, see, pray, Daniel 9.

     Do You Know Where Your Bible Is?

     -God Has Turn His Back, 1986, Only Jesus Is Left, Day One Hundred and ninety 03/06/2017 of the "week," prophecy 08/18/2016, a week prior to the Syrian Truce, 08/25/2016, the countdown to resurrection and Daniel's week, see Dan. 9:27, see also,

-Righteously Dividing The Enemy

Prophecy Links

     -Dutchsinse, is the word I woke with, 02/27/17, though it's been a while, I know him as one who has a youtube channel. A special one where he share sometimes live footage of national to international earthquakes to volcano activity. (see the eruption of Italy's Mt. Etna since)
     -Remember the dream about the setting of fuel canister all in a ring, a circle, is basically the same warning, as so the pundit, of 99 bowls of molten lava. As so the question of which to happen first US soil, 2017, a Yellowstone eruption (1996) or an Asian Invasion (1998), The explosive song from the Movie Color Purple says, God is trying to tell you something, and I totally agree, master disaster is come, see more here,
    -There's also something about Minnesota, DC and Booker T. Washington, (see, follow Senator Obama's Itinerary, 2008), as so another countdown of 28 days, 03/02/2017, Apb
     -Seen To Seeing Men In Orange Pouring In Our Doors, 03/03/2017, desperate forewarning surrounding Volcano activity on the map, Apb, see here

     -It Is melted Into The Midst Of My Bowels, This Chastise Of Our Peace Is Upon Him, None But Jesus, see here, Psalm 22, see also,

     -Did you read it? I mean it only got my attention Ctentri because he committed suicide then I read further, the husband, children and was more horrified. I Philippe, ah Phe, Phe just kept thinking, this could've, this Phe, Phe would've been me if I'd not met Phearson or Branch Vincent, or read Apache Arrow's article, Blood Farmers, (see Then to bring children into the practice of this evil, yeah we all wear mask, no, we Phe, Phe are masked, our outer appearance can't be trusted, even his subterfuge until we put on Jesus, the only Righteous reveal of all of this, it's just so horrifying you know, to even think suicide is the answer, the escape. "I'm gonna hit the shower," with her glancing the clock seeing it was barely noon, was this an emotionally smitten Ctentri's way of informing her, he didn't want to be bothered, not until later. "Meet you for dinner, yeah, ok, the restaurant ah , about sevenish, yeah, perfect. You sure you gonna be alright?" Turning back just as she open the door knowing this was one article that bothered him so, this is not you, ok, because the blessed cross of Jesus revelation found you so. I know you credit Phearson and even Branch Vincent and I'm thankful, but you have to Ctentri credit yourself for listening. You don't know how many opportunities he was given and he refused, for those who refuse Christ, Christ says it's worse for them than for Sodom and Gomorrah. Look God created us Ctentri to be a certain way, and when we try to alter that, it's like trying to alter nature, you can try but you and others are going to die because of it. Look at me," raking away those thick, golden locks, into teary eyes leaking along his face, dropping off of his expert nose, this hurt. "This is not your fault, I'm not saying he was this way, but there are some people, a lot of people who think they would rather die than resign to Christ's redeeming methods, you of all people Ctentri know this, yes, ingesting hard into an agreeable nod, at grabbing her, at fitting her into his neck, this feel good, relaxing hug, thinking Philippe (Phe, Phe), Constance Belle was also a God sent. "Stay, ah, lets just get out of here, make a day of it, sounds good, I love it, make merry of the stay over, ok, I'll shower and meet you at your room in twenty, see you then." Why speak in parables, for they say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth, Eze. 8:12

     -My Heart Is Like Wax, Jesus lamented From Enduring Our Cross, That While We're Yet Sinners, Christ Died For You And Me,

     -I never heard of Tommy Page, only the fact that he committed suicide did this article for the second time get my attention, the Holy Spirit nor I will let his beyond sacrifice go to waste, the death and possible damnation of another human being. I read below how he, Tommy left behind a husband and children, I been sharing here lately how the forewarning, even the command like out of the book of Ezekiel. That's to kill all parents by a certain date, with inconceivable cataclysms pending US soil regardless of Trumps efforts. As I've asked before pray his, America's and the world's repentance, what the 2016 elections should've been like.
-Without controversy, that's pending horrors plural, this 2017, regards the refusal to relent of what to God are abominations. Surely, that's despite how juicy and cuddy especially the LGBTQ and P for pedophile movement allied by Obama's Adminstration to the Supreme court, Catholic Pope make these evil practices appear. Jesus would say fear not the one, as in don't obey, into apostate obedience those killing (sacrificing you to Satan and damnation), of those threatening the body. Instead reverend alone this single ONE destroying both the body and soul in Hell's Fire, this forewarning goes back to the first sin of disobedience. Herein unleashing the curse of death, dying and damnation upon Adam's blood lineage, that's you and me until either, or are repentant, see

And a certain man was there, which had an infirmity (sickbed), thirty and eight years. See St. Jn. 5, see also

     -I read, no actually it was a video, how living a life of sin, especailly sexual abnormalities, such transgressons is to include all fornication, all. It's Jesus now showing himself most wrathful, threatening how the whore's (fornicator) bed is now a sickbed, see late King Ahaziah, II King, 1st Chapter. Right into present day first and second king Evlis Presley and Michael Jackson, so suicide, to other Band-Aids, religion, politics, drugs, alcohol, celebritity, isn't just death and dying, it's Judgement. Though God has already fixed us, redeemed those broken from the womb, we just have to believe it.
 -I know some are saying Jesus didn't come to Judge, no Elohim did that from the beginning where Jesus, the woman seed fulfilled is now Blood Redeemer. You see what people born to sin don't realize is that especially fornication, as so sin unless unrepentant separate us from God. Since I learn this, as of Psalm 61, thirty years ago and counting. Detestations that most count as as every day life, living, dying into fancy funeral ceremonies prevent or interfere, well the practice of sin hinder us from being the temple of God.
     -Wheress God by His spirit, and by Christ's Cross is to dwell, your redeemed flesh now His Holy Tabernacle. He can personally be to you a God and you can now be to Him an Heir whereby you can cry, Abba Father In Heaven! You can yet hear Jesus taunting these apparent great to wise men, destroy this temple, meaning His blessed flesh and blood and in three days, meaning the believer's restoration, said temple will be rebuild. God being a spirit, and those worshipping him, worshipping Him in spirit and truth; true, authentic righteousness, as of the Genesis.
-Undoubtedly, these corrupt to transgressing llifestyle is sending them all on these mental roller coaster, no peaceful life, living and eternal life meant for them, Christ's Cross, only sudden death all the time. It's the Apostle Paul, a great man of biblical law, having rejected Chirst, now lost, but along the road of Damacus this mercy of God did find him. Herein lamenting how great He's to suffer, now that his, Paul's too, like all believers is the kingdom, power and glory forever.

   I am come that you might have life, (mental peace), and life (mental peace), more abundantly (into eternity). Jesus

-I know, how even am I able to Minister to you this way with demonstrations of the Bride's Rapture having taken us not only as far as it's reign the marriage supper. Though here lately taking of the Lamb's Book of Life now open, how a ceremony not in a million years imagined was being performed. Again the Lamb Book of Life as recorded Revelation 21:27, was open and believe it or not there was this phenomenal manner by of roll call going forth. How that every time one of these identities was sounded it would rise from these ancient scrolls and fitter and float away into heavenly places, beware whosoever name was not written in the Lamb's book of life were cast into the lake which burneth with fire.
     -So, some would ask, why would Holy Spirits allow me to participate in such sacred things, though it's for the very reason I'm sharing these amazing events with you, it is that we all believe, heaven is real. This is what Jesus mean when he say Satan has come but for to steal, kill and destroy, how all gone before, meaning all never leading us to Christ's Cross are thieves and robbers, and how outer darkness await them all. Tommy's horror, and hundreds of thousands of others is why I witness God weeping behind a silence in heaven, a silence I believe was brought about, why I was there doing indescribable celebrations brought to a screeching halt of God's long-suffering efforts to reach out one final time.
     -That like a Prophet Ezekiel in his time, the people presently where to further know, an Apostle of Jesus , even the Bride manifested in the flesh, was now in these ending hours among them. So I'm thinking not that far from an Apostle John visiting heaven, as I described, there are beyond descriptions, celebrations, when a holy one approaches, could have been Jesus Himself. He said and I quote, he want to see you, and I said, who? And he said, him, when what to my amazement I'm standing before a mountain God's throne, when a brightness in likeness of the sun begin to rise, and speak. That's like in the days of Moses, and I quote, “let my people go!” Meaning as here, as with every comment, post, all out reach of the people of the cross, all mockery and persecution, regardless tell people the truth of the gospel whether they will, or whether they will forbear, Jesus' Millennium Reign, awake, Apb, The RAM, see more here,

Saturday, March 4, 2017

An Invasion Of Peace On Earth

THE UNENDING LOVE ANTEDOTE ...The African Juttah 1986-2016/17

The African Juttah Infinite Geneology

 Meshullam Kadesh Kroff and Felicity Stuart Benz was born their first on Lebonon Kadesh Kroff, a daughter, Robin Dayus Kroff and a son Cullum Jakai Benz.
Unto Amir Adam Coogan and Myra Castle Lots was born their first son Coltan Tatum Coogan, a daughter Heiress Maximillion Coogan and a son Bryson Deshaun Lot.
Unto Agurus Shiban Coogan and Bethel Angelica Clooney was born a daughter Zariah Simone, a daughter Kamoria Leshsy Coogan, Jacquis Mkai Clooney.

                                ...Thou Art Fair, My Love; There Is No Spot In Thee... 

                                                           Scene V

     -"An invasion of peace on earth, that's what he called it? Yes Gabby and I could have I kissed him, I was so blessed by that description, for over two thousand years since Christ's Cross we've been expecting this, "having spent a second day mostly entangled into one another, now this married couple, this erotic cleavage of steeping, blood, flesh and entanglement, did they both understand more than ever, why one of the first covenant expected of man, was one of marriage to his other whole, husband and wife until death, into Christ's Marriage supper do them part. That is a wonderful thought, I mean we think of Christ's placement on earth as Lord King, but little do we see the righteous bride now in the persons of millions own placement. "I am starving and it's your time," if this body was immortal I could hold you, entangled into you forever. So is that stunning husband the answer to my question, we well never rise from this marriage bed, ever again? Ahhhh, no, only to eat, drink and relieve ourselves, that's all, and our jobs, ah that, yeah that, I never could've imagined it could be so incredible, I think Beowulf we did at least imagine, it's just that it's beyond imagining, he never ceases to amaze us right, just as has always been said about Him, about our heavenly father, and we now his heir, I will never let you go, yarning his way into an additoinal fit to them, now this phenomena Juttah  couple so deliciouslt fitting, "you better not, is all I'm to say."     >>>"What Tiffany, (Maaseiah Adonai), does seeing the bride reign in heaven, in possession of this specialty stone, what does all that mean? Well Nicholas babe, having relaxed this hammot right out their bedroom, her nose, soothing warm breath his just as medicating neck,. All under this starry, half moon of a sky, so crystal without end. Having like John seen it all roll back like a scroll Maaseiah imagine nothing would be left but immense blackness beyond frighting, sorta like a twilight that never goes away, but at evening, after Magog is defeated of Christ's reappearing at that evening, as Elohim Nicholas spoke in the beginning, there shall be light." The dream regarding the specialty stone was first given to this world's King of Kings, Babylon' powerful leader, Nebuchadnezzar and it terrified him, like Trump, all world leaders before him, all those predestined like now along these urgent with fulfillment final days, it threaten everything so what he so, and what's keeping a now President Trump await at night you could say was the nightmare of them all, a new factor of fear Holy Spirit called it, man has a ruler, why Revelation protray them running to hills, mountains, barrowing under, getting to far away nations and Ezekiel's 5 explains why I witnessed a grim reaper attacking them regardless. They will all beyond painstaking regret know that He alone
is God, Psalm 2, Rev., this warning and one day all knees, including Nebuchadnezzar's Babylon/
Mystery America will all heaven or hell bow to Him, so Nicholas why not do it now, where the second death hath no power. Why do you know all of this? simply Nicholas because to the Earth's inhabitants need me to, they have a God so merciful even at their unrepentance He will not even leave them ignorant. Jesus told the Religious leaders BB He'd , then he told governor Pilate He'd come to give testimony to the truth, is from the beginning, even the womb doomed, Remember from whence thou art fallen He explained to the Churches of Asia Minor, return and repent, my shed blood, death and dying, my Resurrection in three days will miraculously lead this way, sad, what? Pretty much the church world like the Religious leaders back then, having forsaken God, they're more this ruin than this help, this divine restoration, look your question, just imagine how shocked the disciples, coming, getting after Jesus when he instead told them He'd called them? Why? To be the first of many lifting him this bloody cross of Resurrection, restoration and glorification. The stone Nicholas, cut out without hands, having the surface of a meteor for its to instantly crippled to all Rebellion, I'd Jesus' Millennium and even presently the world nations are furious over this reveal. It's very fulfillment that the Angel Gabriel did mention is caused for the greatest celebrations in heaven, crlebrations no longer stalled at God's horror over this human lost, as Jesus explained to disciples these are all things Nicholas that must happen God Kingdom reign with those made by Righteous by Christ's Blood. No, you don't have to worry about, what, raising into a seat, his glance focust on one giant star, you reading my mind now? Sometimes, like now, the last you thought me this threaten, did I tell you? Suddenly Nicholas and without warning, really this surreal, but Angels engulfed and enveloped me all around, throughout, as though to say to harm her you're first to cross our path, not that they can't but how they're with me through and through. Just look at this Tiffany, this sky is so remarkable, and you're telling me, I'm you wonderful husband wrapping me in his priceless arm, that heaven is a million times more far removed from this, so how do you ever come back, more times Nicholas than one can count, you just do, this long-suffering Father simply isn't through, and you find yourself doing what you have to, beware, Apb, The RAM
And To The Hill Of Frankincense

Scene V

Thou art all fair, my love; there is no spot in thee.

Scene VI

Why speak in parables? For they say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth. Be aware as God Himself, Apb, The RAM, see more here,

THE UNENDING LOVE ANTEDOTE ...The African Juttah 1986-2016/17

The African Juttah Infinite Geneology

Unto Meshullam Kadesh Kroff and Felicity Stuart Benz was born their first on Lebonon Kadesh Kroff, a daughter, Robin Dayus Kroff and a son Cullum Jakai Benz.

Unto Amir Adam Coogan and Myra Castle Lots was born their first son Coltan Tatum Coogan, a daughter Heiress Maximillion Coogan and a son Bryson Deshaun Lot.
Unto Agurus Shiban Coogan and Bethel Angelica Clooney was born a daughter Zariah Simone, a daughter Kamoria Leshsy Coogan, Jacquis Mkai Clooney.

                                ...Thou Art Fair, My Love; There Is No Spot In Thee... 

                                                           Scene V

     -"An invasion of peace on earth, that's what he called it? Yes Gabby and I could have I kissed him, I was so blessed by that description, for over two thousand years since Christ's Cross we've been expecting this, "having spent a second day mostly entangled into one another, now this married couple, this erotic cleavage of steeping, blood, flesh and entanglement, did they both understand more than ever, why one of the first covenant expected of man, was one of marriage to his other whole, husband and wife until death, into Christ's Marriage supper do them part. That is a wonderful thought, I mean we think of Christ's placement on earth as Lord King, but little do we see the righteous bride now in the persons of millions own placement. "I am starving and it's your time," if this body was immortal I could hold you, entangled into you forever. So is that stunning husband the answer to my question, we well never rise from this marriage bed, ever again? Ahhhh, no, only to eat, drink and relieve ourselves, that's all, and our jobs, ah that, yeah that, I never could've imagined it could be so incredible, I think Beowulf we did at least imagine, it's just that it's beyond imagining, he never ceases to amaze us right, just as has always been said about Him, about our heavenly father, and we now his heir, I will never let you go, yarning his way into an additoinal fit to them, now this phenomena Juttah  couple so deliciouslt fitting, "you better not, is all I'm to say."     >>>"
What Tiffany, (Maaseiah Adonai), does seeing the bride reign in heaven, in possession of this specialty stone, what does all that mean? Well Nicholas babe, having relaxed this hammot right out their bedroom, her nose, soothing warm breath his just as medicating neck,. All under this starry, half moon of a sky, so crystal without end. Having like John seen it all roll back like a scroll Maaseiah imagine nothing would be left but immense blackness beyond frighting, sorta like a twilight that never goes away, but at evening, after Magog is defeated of Christ's reappearing at that evening, as Elohim Nicholas spoke in the beginning, there shall be light." The dream regarding the specialty stone was first given to this world's King of Kings, Babylon' powerful leader, Nebuchadnezzar and it terrified him, like Trump, all world leaders before him, all those predestined like now along these urgent with fulfillment final days, it threaten everything so what he so, and what's keeping a now President Trump await at night you could say was the nightmare of them all, a new factor of fear Holy Spirit called it, man has a ruler, why Revelation protray them running to hills, mountains, barrowing under, getting to far away nations and Ezekiel's 5 explains why I witnessed a grim reaper attacking them regardless. They will all beyond painstaking regret know that He alone
is God, Psalm 2, Rev., this warning and one day all knees, including Nebuchadnezzar's Babylon/
Mystery America will all heaven or hell bow to Him, so Nicholas why not do it now, where the second death hath no power. Why do you know all of this? simply Nicholas because to the Earth's inhabitants need me to, they have a God so merciful even at their unrepentance He will not even leave them ignorant. Jesus told the Religious leaders BB He'd , then he told governor Pilate He'd come to give testimony to the truth, is from the beginning, even the womb doomed, Remember from whence thou art fallen He explained to the Churches of Asia Minor, return and repent, my shed blood, death and dying, my Resurrection in three days will miraculously lead this way, sad, what? Pretty much the church world like the Religious leaders back then, having forsaken God, they're more this ruin than this help, this divine restoration, look your question, just imagine how shocked the disciples, coming, getting after Jesus when he instead told them He'd called them? Why? To be the first of many lifting him this bloody cross of Resurrection, restoration and glorification. The stone Nicholas, cut out without hands, having the surface of a meteor for its to instantly crippled to all Rebellion, I'd Jesus' Millennium and even presently the world nations are furious over this reveal. It's very fulfillment that the Angel Gabriel did mention is caused for the greatest celebrations in heaven, crlebrations no longer stalled at God's horror over this human lost, as Jesus explained to disciples these are all things Nicholas that must happen God Kingdom reign with those made by Righteous by Christ's Blood. No, you don't have to worry about, what, raising into a seat, his glance focust on one giant star, you reading my mind now? Sometimes, like now, the last you thought me this threaten, did I tell you? Suddenly Nicholas and without warning, really this surreal, but Angels engulfed and enveloped me all around, throughout, as though to say to harm her you're first to cross our path, not that they can't but how they're with me through and through. Just look at this Tiffany, this sky is so remarkable, and you're telling me, I'm you wonderful husband wrapping me in his priceless arm, that heaven is a million times more far removed from this, so how do you ever come back, more times Nicholas than one can count, you just do, this long-suffering Father simply isn't through, beware, Apb, The RAM
And To The Hill Of Frankincense

Scene V

Thou art all fair, my love; there is no spot in thee.

Scene VI

Why speak in parables? For they say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth. Be aware as God Himself, Apb, The RAM, see more here,

Friday, March 3, 2017

I Will Not Have You Ignorant, Repent! Repent! Repent!

-Get away, stay away from these abominable people, lives, lands and churches, for their sins have reached unto God, and God hath remembered their iniquities...judged them, 2001-2017, also see Rev. 18

From The Article, Pulling Down Strong Holds     -Article.. Socialism/Communism is a Godless System of Governing, Article... And Americanism isn't? I don't get the protection of this apparent Satan Seat we call the American Dream, Jesus sent his disciples to Apostle into the world to preach the gospel of blood reconciliation that is Jesus Christ alone for one specific reason, God's Kingdom is come. None but the repentant,something America isn't, Obama Admin, Clinton. Bush before him and a very temporary reigning Trump, there is no repentance in the lamenting of "make America great again," by what amount of blood shed? Apb       -When Holy Spirits Christmas night 2001, place me on a weigh scale, this weigh station as this now come judgement surrounding not just America but western civilization, even dating back to the Roman Empire, the Miya. I had no ideal that this weight of 190 figure, was the measure of America's blood guiltiness of the holocaust maker she has become, that every ounce counted in it's worldwide, even weight of glory now found wanting and sentenced into deletion, 2001-2017.        -The pale horse then reign, after cataclysms set this allegiance of false world peace back these 190 years, a judgment in the form of a towering, infested with fleas pale horse 2001, was then their reward. This very hour, with much concern the very outbreak Bill Gates is right now lamenting and forewarning could take out some 40 million. Though,I heard 50 million, both in 2002, and here as lately as a month ago, 2017, a voice, lamenting, "50 million will die." and that's possibly US soil alone, into a quarter of the world. Now I don't want the supposedly enemy Elite to get too excited, the earth is being replenished, an army of grim reapers sent into them to rid this world of all rebellious of Christ's Cross, hear this end time Apostle Bradford, that's all rebellious.   Just This Out Break Of Mortuary, The Nearsightedness Of Normalcy Bias       -Hark a voice, "Kill all parents by, I pause here as I don't remember clearly the date, 2015 is past, we're in 09/21 of 2016, with something in the form of an E.L.E. US soil, by Oct. 2017, this way coming, (we can only assume the target here is corrupt parents, (Popes, Presidents, Politicians, pastors, preachers, projects and again parents). Clearly all those influencing their evil ways upon their offspring even audience, threatening for generations to come, alike abominations, children obey your parents, (overseers), "IN THE LORD)."      -I've told people, the ones who won't listen, God is more angry than He was doing the days of Noah, well I woke up lately as a few months before the 2016 election I'd been calling into a national day of prayer and repentance similar and greater to Joel 2, into Psalm 51, you see the two beast of Rev. 13, rose just as Obama and Jesus Millennium did follow, His, Obama's, not Trump's kinda like it wasn't even there or counted. That's repent, the entire country, this world as it's, it's lead. I remember being physically impaired having overnight been made a party to this divine manner of census taking, it was undoubtedly as Ezekiel 9, serious.       -The calling of the six slayers, by God, from the higher gate north, with them was joined this ink horn man, (incarnate Jesus). Miraculously all those, like those in Moses day not marked by the blood of this specific Lamb of God (see only Jesus), were doomed to death and hell. You got it, those two mountainous horrors of the pale horse rider, the 4th seal of Revelation, again I witness 2001-2017, be released into these people as death and hell and a quarter of earth's inhabitants, including America, The West, is gone, lost forever. Awake! Be aware as God Himself, from rule to oblivion whose fan is in Jesus' Hand.
     -Trump the savior, not gonna happen, not that it's too late, but that it can't happen, God men, meaning those who care about the souls of men, and serving God righteously are praying this. "If thy people God, who are called thy name shall humble themselves and pray and turn from their wicked ways, hear thou them from heaven, for give their sins and heal their land.
    -God answer here legitimizes seeing Him with his throne turn into a gravely unrepentant mankind. Elohim then answer an interceding for his people Israel, King Solomon, how only then, as they repent of these evils, as America repent of these evils, how only then will His eyes be open to attend them, only then wil his ear attend their prayers, only then will he heal the earth of rebellious men by bringing in Jesus's Millennium,

     -Again and repeatedly, this is what Apostle Paul mean, when he declares, God isn't mocked, repent or perish, said Jesus. Beware, Apb, The RAM, see here,