Do You Know Where Your Bible Is?
-God Has Turn His Back, 1986, Only Jesus Is Left, Day One Hundred and ninety-two 03/08/2017 of the "week," prophecy 08/18/2016, a week prior to the Syrian Truce, 08/25/2016, the countdown to resurrection and Daniel's week, see Dan. 9:27, see also,
-Righteously Dividing The Enemy
Prophecy Links
100,361. There's something about a crippling, jaw dropping realization concerning an enormous loss of life, an enormous loss of life on the map 03/07/2003, (see Bill Gates warning that 40 million could die,
Prophecy Link
-Dutchsinse, is the word I woke with, 02/27/17, though it's been a while, I know him as one who has a youtube channel. A special one where he share sometimes live footage of national to international earthquakes to volcano activity. (see the eruption of Italy's Mt. Etna since)
-Remember the dream about the setting of fuel canister all in a ring, a circle, is basically the same warning, as so the pundit, of 99 bowls of molten lava. As so the question of which to happen first US soil, 2017, a Yellowstone eruption (1996) or an Asian Invasion (1998), The explosive song from the Movie Color Purple says, God is trying to tell you something, and I totally agree, master disaster is come, see more here,
-There's also something about Minnesota, DC and Booker T. Washington, (see, follow Senator Obama's Itinerary, 2008), as so another countdown of 28 days, 03/02/2017, Apb
-Seen To Seeing Men In Orange Pouring In Our Doors, 03/03/2017, desperate forewarning surrounding Volcano activity on the map, Apb, see here
North, South Korea, The Us, The Adam/Atom And The 11 O'clock shopping Lunch Hour
-And The 11 O'clock Shopping Lunch Hour, I forewarn the first of last month, how we'd additionally been placed on another timetable, countdown of six weeks, whereas later I heard a voice lament "the first of March," this timetable fulfilled. So here we are like never before with Nations like South Korea allied by the US as so North Korea, allied possibly by China, even Russia, all looking at nuclear war. Be aware most of all, Nuclear war will be one of the primary signals to Christ, to take the Bride off the planet, this end time Apostle is positive of that.
-This is why looking at and understanding where America status is concerning end time prophecy, the Angel Gabriel 2004 forewarn we're in, then we're right now on the verge of what is likely. That's while you're America Dreaming, herein as of Revelation 17:16-18, by God's biasness at sin and the unction of the Antichrist, ruling evil men. Plainly, world nations will, well they are allying themselves against America, whereas the 11 O'clock shopping lunch hour 2003.
-How not unlike the loan of the leopard skin coat of immense distraction is to make for certain Americans shoppers are totally unaware until as Jesus forewarn about these end times, they're suddenly taken. Truly seized, along this made aware, as in the days of Noah that at the blink of an eye catastrophes are upon them and there is no escape. For when they shall say peace and safety and sudden destruction is upon them, is why I've witness a beast getting and eating at them as they sit their peace getting porches, (see just this plethora of natural disasters). Just as so this vicious beast I've heard being warn as to come upon 121 countries of failing economies, and no peace is left.
-Whereas here lately, a mighty beast stomping and chomping through the pulpits into the pews, easily now vacant. Clearly what Jesus described would be a cursive manner of lackadaisicalness others are calling a manner of normalcy bias, meaning if it never happen, fulfillment, it never will. Though has the outreach of forewarning become too much like the boy who cried wolf? Surely not it's pungency or funning with things so urgent, deadly and damning, there's just this going on all around them. The worse of cataclysms and lost of life ever US soil, or ever again, that is on a daily bases now pending, I mean I heard here lately, 2017 and in 2002, that some 50 million will die, whereas oddly there's no kind of movement or getting into gears of safety to repentance.
Definitely explaining why the nation is shown as those all in this manner of a slow motion exodus, though even more frightening, the really sizable fallout shelter, therein into millions upon millions taking their time this single water cooler. Carefully, but necessarily, the funeral reef having both Obama and Clinton name on it, whose death toll reached far into the heavens above. So does this mean Trump is innocent? No, all have sin and have fallen from the grace of God, it's just when these national to world leaders could have forewarn, saved and even exodus millions in harms way. Instead by strong delusions they got lost in a wilderness of sin disguised as religion to politics, two of this world greatest manners of Idolatry to damnation, repent of these evils or perish.
-Honestly, has all this getting the prophetic word out these thousands of years possibly, simply left mankind incapable of taking such the pending dangers and disasters serious? Sadly, that's until they open their eyes, sort of like Bill Paxston lately and they're no loner of planet earth, and that's ok, because Jesus is our blessed death, whosoever shall call on his name shall be saved, and risen to life immortal. Only, and I don't know about Bill, you would've had to have made Him Lord of all things your heart from the first mention of Him to you; as Jesus said, except a man is born again, He cannot see, nor enter the kingdom of God.
-Ok, ok, so the importance of knowing calamities are come, and not being able to prevent them? Easily getting and staying your ready, and we're not only talking being ready physically, though as those wise enough to have your stores stocked, your carry on bags ready, in case you get stranded; of the last minute, back of the stove of those things most important. Realize, we're talking the most of all being ready spiritually, for Jesus has come to make it possible that you and your house is capable of ascending. For as Jesus, good shepherd himself said, flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, you must be born again. He also said all gone before you are thieves and robbers, so understand, about two thousand years ago, and why the setting of timetables are so important.
-You're to comprehend once Jesus was crucified, He, this promised woman seed pretty much fulfilled all bible prophecy. The entire planet, world could've easily been moved into the last week of Daniel herein fulfilling the seventy weeks of years, see Dan. 9, that's concerning God's chosen people Israel. Although, an incarnate Lord of lords had other plans, send and spin all end time prophecy along a detour that would be realized upon the planet some times, times and a half from then. Concealing the fulfillment of Daniel's final week until then, that's until now, you see this specialty detour, incarnate of Jesus' Cross. This Intrepid Adventure, was shown to make it's long awaited finale, that's on Christmas night 2001, until yet another 15.10 years is finished.
-Including, as well the two weeks and seven years loan Obama's Administration, again, 2001-2017, here presently arriving us, as in all mankind again along the days of Daniel, along the most important timetable and week of years of both biblical to human history. This is where you again here the Apostle John lament of the things now come to past, five are fallen, one is and one haven't yet come ...five are fallen, one is and one haven't yet come ...five are fallen, one is and one haven't yet come, see Rev. 17, see This is also where you've read Apostle Bradford testimony of having the Angel Gabriel appear to her, forewarn of all prophecy being unto fulfilment, mentioning as well a seventh angel.
-The seventh Angel of Rev. 10, and 11, whose to sound a vibration and celebration throughout all heaven, the sorely anticipated fall of all rebellion, the casting down of the crowns of the twenty-four elders in it's merry making. So I guess I can say, if you ever asked the question, what is happening? Just think back to Jesus being approached by this non Jews about her ailing daughter and Jesus make the point of her, her daughter not being worthy and she then make this most important point of emphasis, how even the dogs are worthy of the crumbs falling from the table. It is here, through a lesson by a woman, understand, most of divine breakthroughs of Christ, always come as he expounds God's righteousness upon the woman, again, Jesus here taught the Jewish Disciples, how the gospel wasn't simply for the Jews but for the Hebrews, non-Jews as well, see Mat.15:21-28.
-I can't help but wonder is this what the Apostle Paul also meant, when speaking of the woman's first transgression, (Mother Eve), how she would be saved, as in liberated, restored by child birth, (Mother Mary), meaning His, Jesus' Birth, Ministry, Crucifixion, Resurrection, Ascension and His come, Millennium. How the woman is to be treated is resolved by Jesus' many examples, truly trouble not the woman, she has been and always will be there in the beginning. Mary and Martha, the teaching of resurrection of death to life, Mary Magdalene Jesus is Risen, get good news to the disciples. The forbidden woman Jacob's Well, life in truth and spirit, no more temples, ordinances of men, the woman with the issue of blood, salvation by faith, hope in Jesus' Blood alone. Surely finally but not least, the Apostle John of Revelation hearing the Spirit and Bride lamenting come, that's come all bidden to the marriage supper of the Lamb of God,, truly get ye to Him, Jesus' Millennium Reign!
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