Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Mirror Mirror Throughout All Walls, Whose The Greatest God Of Them All, The God Of Abraham, Isaac And Jacob says, I AM

     -The Apostle Paul say we look through a glass darkly, when it is the mirror which is to give us clarity, what do you think, are churches build to replace the Cross, The Trinity and The Heavenly Host? Do they exist to some how frustrate our dependence upon this Holy Lord making our bodies, our hearts and minds, even our treasures all now arranged in heaven. Whereas the world then has nothing for us but blessed ascension and all you can hear Jesus say is, my kingdom is not of the world. I've come into the world to testify of the truth, God's word is truth, then suddenly you realize the only thing preventing you from growing into a grace, knowledge and Holy Spirit in likeness of Jesus, is whether or not you chose to believe.
     -Below I have three dreams to demonstrations all portraying what it's like to look in a mirror with God, what would being given this kind of privilege actually be like? I'll share them with you and you tell me. There's the live demonstration, whereas I'm grooming myself this mirror, the few months old babe in Christ, when said mirror take on a live imagine. Soon I see what appear to be the throne of God, only remodel, it has picked up and turn itself so that it's back is now facing us and just as soon you hear Holy Spirit announce God has turn his back on the church, indeed is this far worse than God showing the sacrifice of his Holy Son, now knocking on doors of mass assembly trying to alert their abandonment?
     -Then the weirdest thing here lately, and I'm talking now, what? Many years later, just before the new year, again there is this mirror, and this weirdest thing ever, I'm standing there and I'm immense with suspense, really trying to figure this. Although I'm looking at myself in the mirror, all is askew, especially my face, but, only it's not my face I see, it's the face of a young Asian male. Don't get this wrong, I'm me in every capacity only in appearance I look like him, this Asian invasion, pending Us soil, for twenty years now. Only right now being revisited by a demonstration as something oddly and frightfully portrayed by the movie, 'The Body,' snatcher, and let me tell you, there was nothing inviting about being siege upon entirely and you shall not escape.
     -Only now we're leaving his party, I'm paused at the entry while my husband move on forward without me, staying there as the host of this party is loaning me this staggering, leopard skin coat of artificial fur, it's so blazingly stunning I take it and immediately I get after him, the husband who has gone ahead of me. Those who've read behind me these thirty years and counting know this story, the loan of this amazing temptress of an artificial loan had one purpose it was to distract into incalculable foolishness until the human being is to have nothing left but worthless treasures all while the authentic prize come down from heaven has gone on to holy, sacred golden lands of eternal marriage and divine heirship to God's Throne and reigning Kingdom on earth, as they're all now left stranded in a way they're not to overcome in a million years and counting.
      -The Apostle Paul also says, Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.  For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting, thus let us not be weary in well doing, (in outreaching Christ). The Apostle Paul taught this way because the people of Jesus' day, even the days of the early prophet, as so presently were always presented a God they often thought was far removed from them, when by His divine intervention He is totally longsuffering toward them.
     -His, God's presence with them, with us was so up close and personal it was the cause for the psalmist saying. if I ascend into heaven, thou art there, if I make my bed in hell, behold thou art there. if I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there will thy hand lead me and thy right hand shall hold me. It is to be born again, Holy Father sent His only Son, and His Holy Spirit after His ascension, there is a Living Word, Heavenly Host that's always present, all, so we can be His form of Righteousness, got belief yet? Awake, Apb, The RAM 

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